7CO04 Business Research in People Practice
7CO04 Business research in people practice Introduction to the unit Business research in people practice is compulsory for learners in Level 7 of Advanced Diploma in Strategic Learning and Development. The learners in this unit define and identify a research issue and...
7CO03 Personal Effectiveness, Ethics and Business Acumen
7CO03 Personal effectiveness, ethics and business acumen The unit provides insight into the role of people professionals in supporting the organisational workforce. Workers need to develop effective behaviours guided by the ethical and moral principles and standards of behaviours. In championing organisations’...
7CO02 People Management and Development Strategies for Performance
7CO02 People management and development strategies for performance Introduction to the unit People management and development strategies for performance is a unit that explains why learners should understand the core purposes in champion for better working lives. The organisational and professional’s core...
7CO01 Work and Working Lives in a Changing Business Environment
7CO01 Work and working lives in a changing business environment Introduction to the unit The unit in Level 7 of Strategic Learning and Development is compulsory for all students. It helps the learners understand the interactions between the organisation and the business...
CIPD Profession Map 2020
The Profession Map helps practitioners in all fields make the right decisions to support organisational performance and progress. The map has core knowledge areas, core behaviours and specialist knowledge areas that guide professionals in driving organisational change. The Profession Map is relevant...
CIPD Dissertation Topics
There are several topics which can be used as dissertation for students to carry out further research in these areas. These areas cover most topic in the CIPD curriculum and are therefore relevant as topics of study to enable students to further...
Walton and Burgoyne 7 Stages
Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) is the link between the employees of a given firm and its proposed strategies and aims. Strategic HRM investigates on how the human resources may contribute directly to the growth of the company. The HR Function is...
7LMD Leadership and Management Development Assignment Example
Learning Outcomes: Explain and critically analyse the concepts of leadership and management and their application in an organisational, social, environmental and multicultural context. Explain and evaluate the role of leadership and management development in enhancing and developing organisational competence. Critically assess and...
7RTM Resourcing and Talent Management Assignment Example
Formative Assessment 1 Analyse and evaluate the major features of national and international employment markets and identify the ways in which these markets evolve or change over time. Refer to any academic sources which you are familiar with to answer the question....
7RWM Reward Management Assignment Example
Formative Assessment 1 Your line manager has asked for a written report on the future of reward management. He has indicated that he believes that the reward strategy of the business should meet the environment in which the business operates. Please produce a...