Improving Organisational performance is a unit in the human resource function that educates on the continuous improvement of persons in terms of skills, character and contribution in an organisation. Performance is an essential element in building a relationship between the managers and staff, as well as creating a sustainable working environment. Therefore, academic resources structured to educate on how to improve organisational performance have been developed. Creating a high performance work organisation (HPWO) is important in developing sustainable organisational performance. The unit, improving organisational performance, gives guidelines on how a company can improve its performance to make it more sustainably profitable and efficient in its production activities. Furthermore, the unit offers guidance on several approaches and techniques to strategically improve performance.
This unit introduces the learners to different high performance working conceptual frameworks and their impacts on performance. It also exposes the learner to issues of employee engagement, communication skills, employee welfare as well as competitive advantage. Additionally, people who pursue the unit are able to understand the pros and cons of high performance working and the role of management in improving organisational performance. A high performance work organisation is characterised by commitment, trust and enthusiasm. Employees in such an organisation are able to promote diversity, think critically through issues as well as perform effectively in their duties. This unit will further elaborate on the impact of performance management process and demonstrate how line managers can build a high performance culture.
Conceptual Framework for HPW
The primary goal of the unit is to help leaners understand HPW conceptual framework as well as its contribution to sustainable organisational performance that yields a high performance work organisation Learners of this unit will be exposed to the international labour organisation standards as well as practical application in the business world. International Labour Organisation offers an elaborate definition of a high performance working, clearly stating that it is a combination of profitability, customer satisfaction and high levels of performance that lead to the success of an organisation. Furthermore, organisational success is achieved through the development of employees’ skills and their fervent engagement in their duties. Highly performing management supports both long term and short term organisational performance. Organisations moving towards a high performance work, often focus on a less hierarchical structure and emphasises on team work, trust and communication.
High performance working uses the human capital of an organisation as an asset to propagate competitive advantage, loyalty as well as skill development sand motivated workforce through the human resource management. Motivation as described by Chartered Institute of Personnel Development is essential in HPW since it determines the workers position towards HPWO. High performance working is characterised by employee involvement, access to company information, self-directed teams and adequate HR practices such as performance appraisals, mentoring or work trainings and fair recruitment process. In addition, rewards and commitment practices are essential parts of motivation for High performance working. To facilitate high performance working, leaders should lead by example having minimum to no disparity in values stated and acted.
Components of HPW
There are four primary components of HPW namely; decision making, employees training, technological familiarity and motivation. The unit clearly outlines the benefits of engaging employees in the decision making process. The learners will understand that to experience a significant change in organisational environment and employee behaviour, managers should involve the staff in critical decision making processes. Employee engagement is also important in building working relationships between the managers and staff. A workforce involved in decision making is an empowered and committed workforce. The module will also elaborate on employee training. Students will learn the training process and its benefit to staff. Educating employees enables them to comprehend their positions and performance expectation. Through trainings, the staff is able to focus on the company’s objectives, and develop their skills in leadership and development.
The learners will understand that trainings expose employees to a wider range of knowledge some that they may be familiar with and new information. Training as managed by an organisation’s HR department can be done internally during induction process or externally. Another component of HPW as taught in the unit is motivation. Learners will be able to comprehend the benefits of motivation, different methods of employee motivation and reason for motivation as taught in this unit. The fourth component of HPW as taught in the module is technology, which is a critical element of high performance in an organisation. Organisations that embrace changing technology are likely to have higher working performance. Students will learn the different impacts that technology has exerted on the business world today. Use of advance technology enables the staff to execute difficult or heavy duties with minimal effort. Thus technology improves performance and boosts productivity.
The unit is suitable for any person who is already working or pursuing a career in the human resources management and development department. Professionals who would like to increase their knowledge and skills in the HRM can also benefit from this unit. Any person with the critical duty of implementing the policies and strategies related to human resource in a given organisation can benefit from the module. Generally, learners of this unit are expected to have a broader understanding of the role of human resource in an organisational setting as well as environmental context. Thirty (30) hours is the standard learning time for this unit. There is an additional 30 hours that is allocated for personal learning through reading and preparing for assessments.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the unit,
- Students will have a better understanding of how performance management influence performance levels and the responsibilities of different line manager in the production process.
- Learners will have acquired adequate knowledge on how to create an organisational culture of high performance as well as techniques of sustaining the culture
- Learners will be able to correctly interpret the concept of high performance working and the role it plays in the creation of a high performance work organisation.
- Students are expected to learn practical skills of improving employee performance for the benefit of the organisation.
This unit is suitable for any person in the HR profession. Learners who pursue the unit are willing to develop their careers and professionalism. The unit comprehensively covers matters associated with skills that are essential in improving organisational performance. The unit offers adequate knowledge, that helps the students become experts in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. Learners are tasked with the responsibility of gaining the necessary skills and knowledge to implement performance issues in the HR functions. Acquiring knowledge of how to improve organisational performance boosts the learners’ confidence and motivates them towards achieving organisational goals and objectives.
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