5OS06 Leadership and Management Development
About This Unit
This part of the level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management is an advanced platform for building the understanding of L&D. The unit focuses on leadership and management and its roles in creating the right sets of behaviors and work culture, which emphasises diversity and innovation cohesion, and optimum performance. Essentially, the unit’s insight comprises the appropriate frameworks and tools necessary for leadership development and organisational effectiveness.
What You Will Learn
Studying the unit’s concepts will impact students in two ways. First, learners will understand the contexts surrounding organisational leadership and management needs. Second, students will conceptualise the interdependence between management and leadership. Coursework in this section entails identifying managers and leaders’ changing roles and the skillsets each role demands. In addition, students will explore the roles of people management professionals in reinforcing leadership and management. For example, coursework addresses the significance of inclusion and diversity in improving people management. The last section covered in the unit is how to identify successful leadership activities. The sub-section covers the successful leadership indicators and provides learners with a contextual understanding of the stakeholder roles and the organisational impacts of leadership and management.
This Unit Is Suitable for Persons Who?
The unit is suitable for individuals driven towards developing and sustainably maintaining organisational leadership capacities. People with HR and L&D experience are a great match. However, the CIPD course is ideal for individuals driven or aspiring to undertake analysis, designing, constructing, implementing, and monitoring leadership development initiatives to build up management and leadership capacities at junior, middle and senior ranks.
Learning Outcomes
After covering the unit, students must perceive the significance of leadership and management and the underpinning behaviours, skills, and knowledge. Students must meet the following requirements:
- Learners must assess the external factors fueling organisational leadership and management needs, such as stiff competition, local, national and global business dynamics, data from environmental assessment tools, and many others.
- Secondly, students must distinguish between leadership and management approaches and roles and their effects on maintaining organisational effectiveness. Therefore, they must explore the interrelationship and distinctions between leadership and management roles citing contextual aspects, the usage and extent of power, related tasks and functions, and leadership and management styles.
- The last requirement related to the learning outcome is analysing the numerous behaviours, skills, and knowledge required for effective leadership and management in organisational contexts. For instance, the CIPD demands learners to draw the hard and soft skills from theories, leadership in global and diverse cultural contexts, and ethical governance concepts.
The CIPD’s second requirement is understanding various initiatives relevant to L&D and the development of successful leaders and managers. For instance:
- Students can broaden their understanding by discussing people managers’ duties in fortifying leadership and management initiatives. For example, learners can discuss their roles in identifying L&D needs, developing and implementing L&D mitigation measures, designing, analysing, and supporting L&D to develop individuals, groups, and next-generation leaders and managers.
- Second, by analysing leadership and management approaches and concepts necessary in developing managers and leaders, learners must identify challenges and the need for implementing course concepts in organisational settings.
- Lastly, students must explain the importance of diversity and inclusion in leadership and management development. Learners must address specific components of leadership and management initiatives that require diversity and inclusion, such as the norms, language, and technology usage, preferences, and differences in gestures’ meanings. Students must elaborate on the areas to display their understanding of the significance of language, cultural, and religious compliance with different people’s customs and values in leadership and management.
The last requirement is the knowledge of the advantages of leadership and management development activities. The CIPD demands that:
- Learners must assess the indicators of such initiatives. For instance, students can evaluate succession and employee retention, performance in individual and organisational contexts, and concepts and theories related to assessing learning activities such as Kirkpatrick’s model to identify the effectiveness of leadership and management development activities.
- Students must also discuss how and to what extent stakeholders are involved in leadership and management development initiatives. First, they must single out the vital stakeholders and their contribution to leadership and management development, for instance, participation and sponsorship. Lastly, students need to highlight the objectives behind stakeholders’ input and their roles in achieving the indicators of leadership success.
- People studying the unit must finally evaluate the significance and impacts of leadership and management programmes on companies’ cultures, branding, strategies, and productivity. They must understand the conceptual and physical aspects by exploring consumer perceptions, employee motivation and engagement, positive media and external reports, organisational output quality and quantity, and synergy levels in work projects.
What Are the Entry Requirements?
The CIPD does not require any individual to check off all its requirements, but it recommends the course for six clusters of applicants. First, individuals currently playing HR or L&D roles or who occupy official positions related to the fields. Secondly, persons tasked with the implementation of HR and L&D interventions and policies are also eligible. The third category comprises individuals pursuing managerial positions. The fourth requirement is sufficient work or academic experience for persons driven towards career development. The fifth group entails persons bearing CIPD level 3 Diplomas, and the final cluster comprises individuals looking to boost their professional credibility in people practice. Despite its recommendations, the CIPD foundation has no detailed requirements for the Level 5 Associate Diplomas in People Management or Learning and Development.
How We Can Help
Our firm has a broad base of professionals committed to providing quality solutions to individuals whose work and studies relate to numerous disciplines. One of our specialisation areas includes HR and L&D, where we provide personalised support and recommendations to help streamline professional and academic work. In CIPD level 5, we explicitly offer assignment assistance aimed at aiding our clients in not only meeting course requirements but also achieving CIPD membership. The membership awarded at the end of the course ensures that our clients receive access to vast resource bases and professional input that will smoothen their transition into managerial roles.
Adair, J. (2019) Develop your leadership skills: fast effective ways to become a leader people want to follow. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page.
Armstrong, M. (2016) Armstrong’s handbook of management and leadership for HR: developing effective people skills for better leadership and management. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page.
Carmichael, J., Emsell, P. and Collins, C. (2011) Leadership and management development. New York: Oxford University Press.
CIPD. (n.d.) Available at: www.cipd.co.uk
CIPD. (n.d.) Career Development International Human Resource Management Journal. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/journals
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Gold, J. and Anderson, L. (2017) Develop leadership and management skills (ebook). London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Gold, J., Thorpe, R., and Mumford, A. (2010) Leadership and management development. 5th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Hayden, D. (2020) Management development. Factsheet. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/development/management-factsheet
Haden, S. and Davidge, J. (2019) Leadership in the workplace. Factsheet. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/leader ship/factsheet
Owen, J. (2020) The leadership skills handbook: 100 essential skills you need to be a leader. 5th ed. London: Kogan Page.
People Management. (n.d.) Development Leadership and Organisation Development Journal. Management: Learning People Management. Available at: www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/
The Academy of Human Resource Development. (n.d.) Available at: www.ahrd.org/
The Leadership Trust. (n.d.) Available at: www.leadershiptrust.co/
Watson, G. and Reissner, S. (2014) Developing Skills for Business Leadership. 2nd ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Yarlagadda, R. (2016) What’s holding back leadership learning? In a Nutshell. Issue 62. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: www.cipd.co.uk/news-views/nutshell/issue62/leadership-learning-held-back