5HR01 Employment relationship management
About this unit
This course is one of the H.R. specialist units that focuses on examining the primary practices, tools, and approaches that can be utilized to manage and promote positive employee relationships effectively. As a result, the unit emphasizes the development of a better work environment and how the outcomes can significantly affect the performance of an organization.
What you will learn
In this unit, students will better understand the practices required to promote better working environments, new developments in the methods used to enhance the engagement and voice of employees, and the difference between participating and being involved in organizational activities as employees. Also, students pursuing this course learn about issues surrounding conflicts and misbehavior in the workplace. In this case, the learner would be able to analyze the evolving trends impacting industrial sanctions and conflicts, arbitration and mediation, and conciliations undertaken by third parties. Students will also be able to understand better matters related to employee performance, grievances, and discipline. This would make it easier for them to explain the requirements necessary to handle discipline and grievances in the workplace effectively. Lastly, this course offers students with knowledge about what connective employment law offers for organizations and the different ways in which employees represent themselves.
This unit is suitable for persons who
Being under the CIPD level 5 certification, this unit is suitable for people aspiring to enhance their H.R. careers into a more managerial or advisory role. Therefore, the unit is appropriate for the following groups of people:
- Those who want to achieve a qualification to making their experience working in H.R. more substantial.
- Therefore, those who want to increase their knowledge in specific areas within the comprehensive field of H.R. enhance their career development.
- Those who want to demonstrate their experience, knowledge, and skills in people’s practice and capabilities while working as an H.R. professional.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the unit, learners will be able to fulfill the following comprehensive learning objectives:
- Comprehend how effective employee practices, engagement, and voice promote a better work-life for the people in an organization.
Under this learning outcome, learners will be able to formally assess new developments that can help create approaches that are important to improve the engagement and communication of employees’ ideas. Also, learners pursuing this unit can distinguish between the participation and involvement of employees in different aspects of the organization and how they promote positive relations in the workplace. Similarly, the outcome also promotes the ability of learners to analyze the wide range of strategies and approaches used by organizations to promote employee engagement. The strategies and tools include meetings, collective bargaining, employee forums, negotiation committees, and social media, among many others. The learning outcome also enables learners to determine how employee voice connects to the increase or decrease of organizational performance. Lastly, it also enables learners to define better working life and how organizations can design and achieve it in their working environments.
- Be able to differentiate between the various styles of conflict behavior and resolution.
This learning outcome enables students to deeply understand misbehavior and conflicts in the workplace and how conflict can be classified as either formal or informal. Also, learners would be able to differentiate between employees’ official and unofficial actions in the workplace and how firms can manage them. Learners will also be able to analyze the new trends based on sanctions and conflicts within organizations. These include issues related to strikes, injunctions, and workplace conflicts. Lastly, this learning outcome equips learners with the ability to distinguish between methods of conflict resolution such as arbitration, mediation, and third-party conciliation and how firms can adopt them.
- Be able to incorporate lawful actions to manage employees’ grievances, disciplinary actions, and performance in organizations.
In this learning outcome, learners will be able to interpret the legislation principles associated with misconduct or unfair dismissal of employees. In addition, learners will also be able to determine the main factors that bring about employee grievances and the practical procedures that can be used to handle discipline and grievance in an organization. Finally, this learning outcome enables learners to provide insight into the importance of effective management of grievances.
- Comprehend the relationship between employee bodies and employment relations within organizations.
Under this learning outcome, learners will be able to determine what is entailed in collective employment. In addition, this learning outcome also enables students to determine the different types of employee bodies and representation, including union and non-union firms. Lastly, this outcome also enables learners to assess the importance of collective bargaining and its contribution to organizations.
What are the entry requirements?
The entry requirements of this specific unit have not been set by CIPD but have been formulated by different study centers. Although it is not compulsory for most institutions, the following entry criteria can work:
- Candidates should have level 3 CIPD qualifications.
- Candidates should have experience working in the role of H.R. support.
- The candidate should be pursuing a role as an H.R. partner or advisor.
- The candidate should have a related university degree.
How we can help
We have an excellent platform that deals with all types of this unit’s assignments. The platform emphasizes enhancing the overall learning capabilities of students. Rather than just providing our clients with solutions, we provide them with detailed explanations of tackling them. We have a team of experts whose primary objective is to ensure that students deeply understand the concepts of the unit’s questions. As a result, we ensure that our clients gain long-term help. In addition, our team of experts also helps students prepare for examinations, therefore, enhancing their abilities to succeed in the unit. Generally, we offer assignment help, including educational content and lessons from experienced individuals. Apart from having experience in helping and teaching students, our experts also have long-term experience in this specific unit, ensuring that the detailed explanations provided to students are based on facts. Lastly, our team of experts also ensures that the learning materials they provide are of the best quality and integrate with academic institutions’ standards.
Aylott, E. (2018) Employee relations: a practical introduction. 2nd ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Barry, M. and Wilkinson, A. (eds) (2011) Research handbook of comparative employment relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Bennett, T., Saundry, R. and Fisher, V. (2020) Managing employment relations. 7th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Burchill, F. (2014) Labour relations. 4th ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Daniels, K. (2019) Introduction to employment law: fundamentals for H.R. and business students. 5th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Dundon, T. and Rollinson, D. (2011) Understanding employment relations. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill.
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Lewis, D. and Sargeant, M. (2019) Employment law: the essentials. 15th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Liddle, D. (2017) Managing conflict: a practical guide to resolution in the workplace. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Lytle, T. (2010) Confronting conflict. H.R. Magazine. Vol 60, No 6, July/August. pp26-31.
Marchington, M. (2015) Analysing the forces shaping employee involvement and participation at organisation level in liberal market economies. Human Resource Management Journal. Vol 25, No 1, January. pp1-18.
Simms, M., Holgate, J. and Heery, E. (2012) Union voices: tactics and tensions in U.K. organizing. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Sissons, P. and Green, A.E. (2017) More than a match? Assessing the HRM challenge of engaging employers to support retention and progression. Human Resource Management Journal. Vol. 27, No 4, November. pp565-580. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ 1748-8583.12161
Taylor, S. and Emir, A. (2019) Employment law: an introduction. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Taylor, S. and Woodhams, C. (eds) (2016) Human resource management: people and organisations. 2nd ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
Wilkinson, A., Donaghey, J., Dundon, T. and Freeman, R. (eds) (2020) Handbook of research on employee voice. 2nd ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Williams, S. (2017) Introducing employment relations: a critical approach. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.