Table of Contents
CIPD provides a word count for each core and pathway assessment. This word count is relative to the credit value of the unit and learners are required to stay within this -/+ 10% and declare their word count on submission of each assessment.
The word count provided for each component of an assessment is provided for guidance only. Learners may choose to allocate the word count differently if they wish, for example, by using more words to answer a question with a higher command verb, such as ‘evaluate’, and fewer for questions with a lower command verb such as ‘explain’. However, we recommend that they remain
broadly in line with the suggested word count. Command verbs will differ according to the level of qualification.
Where the learner exceeds the overall word count for the assessment beyond the +10%, the assessment should be rejected for marking, returned to the learner and counted as a refer. Learners will then be allowed to resubmit their assessment in line with the CIPD referral policy.
Where learners submit work that is more than 10% below the guided word count, the assessment should not be rejected for marking. The assessment should be marked in the usual way, but the learner is less likely to be able to demonstrate sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding needed to meet the assessment criteria.
Included within the word count should be any text that is central to a learner’s answer, and which responds to and addresses the questions/tasks. Where a learner wishes to present information that is not central to their response, but which underpins and is relevant to it, linked appendices may be provided and will not be counted within the word count. When assessing learner work, the appendices should not be marked but considered as information that supports the learner’s submission.
Further information about what is included in, and excluded from, the word count is set out below – the components will vary according to the level of qualification being studied and the question asked. Not all the components are required in every answer.
Word count Policy
Assignment components | Included Yes/No |
Title page showing learner and centre details | No |
Contents Page | No |
Introduction | Yes |
Titles | Yes |
Subtitles | Yes |
Headings | Yes |
Subheadings | Yes |
In-text Citations | Yes |
Diagrams/Graphs/Charts with Key Words | No |
Tables that Include Numbers | No |
Written Narrative Embedded in Tables | Yes |
Conclusion | Yes |
Recommendations | Yes |
Assessment Questions | No |
Learning Outcomes in Full | No |
Assessment Criteria in Full | No |
Appendices | No |
References/Bibliography | No |
Punctuation Marks | No |
Where learners resubmit work after a referral, they are still required to adhere to the word count policy for the assessment. However, only the assessment criteria on which a learner has been referred should be re-marked.
For centre devised assessments, centres should set a word count limit in line with CIPD’s approach which is 3900 words for a 6-credit unit at Associate level and 4000 words for a 15 credit unit at Advanced level and follow the same principles as described above.
Titles and Subtitles; Headings and Subheadings
Some assessments require learners to use titles and subtitles, and/or headings and subheadings, for example Unit 7CO04 where learners are asked to write a business report. However, these can be succinct, for example ‘Introduction,’ ‘Conclusion’, ‘Recommendation’ etc. This also applies to their use in other Units.
Diagrams/Graphs/Charts with keywords
Diagrams/Graphs/Charts with keywords are excluded from the wordcount. Examples of keywords include a small number of words in a box in a diagram or a label for an axis in a graph. Written narrative and explanatory or accompanying text in a diagram/graph/chart is included in word count.
Learning Outcomes
Our learning assessment briefs for the Advanced Diplomas state that learners ‘must demonstrate within the submitted evidence (through headings and subheadings) which learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been cited’. However, if it is clear which learning outcomes and assessment criteria are being addressed, there is no requirement to include them in full. They can be referenced using the number only, for example, ‘LO1 – AC2.3’. Headings and subheadings should be succinct – see above.
Assessment Criteria
Learners must make clear which assessment criteria they are addressing in their work. However, there is no requirement to include them in full – they can be referenced using the number only, for example, AC 2.3.
Word Count | 10% Leeway | Minimum Words | Maximum Words |
500 | 50 | 450 | 550 |
1000 | 100 | 900 | 1100 |
1500 | 150 | 1350 | 1650 |
2500 | 250 | 2250 | 2750 |
3000 | 300 | 2700 | 3300 |
3500 | 350 | 3150 | 3850 |
3900 | 390 | 3510 | 4290 |
Are you drawing a blank on where to start writing your CIPD assignment? Well, writing an academic essay is not as challenging a task as it might be if you have appropriate guidance.
Moreover, owing to the fact that the CIPD assignments are mainly part of your HR or L&D CIPD certification, you need to prepare well to write a winning assignment response within the required word count and score a pass without a hassle.
What is the Structure of CIPD?
The CIPD is structured into three levels in which three distinct qualifications are provided to suit people in different career points.
CIPD Level 3
CIPD Level 3 Foundations Certificate in People Practice provides you with a firm foundation in all aspects of Human Resources. It helps you to develop critical HR skills and competencies and provides you with the expertise and courage to perform more effectively.
As such, you will bring value to the HR role and your organisation as a whole. Four core units must be completed to attain the Level 3 CIPD certification.
CIPD Level 5
CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management/Organisational Learning & Development will provide you with a comprehensive perspective on the organizational challenges that HR or L&D practitioners face thus allowing you to further strengthen your analytical, problem-solving and decision-making skills.
You require to complete 3 core modules, 3 specialist HR/L&D units and 1 optional unit to be awarded a Level 5 CIPD Diploma certification.
CIPD Level 7
CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diplomas in Strategic People Management and Strategic Learning and Development is the highest CIPD level that provides you with knowledge and competencies to develop and implement strategic and innovative solutions to support organizational growth and performance as an HR or L&D professional.
You will require to complete 4 core modules, 3 specialist units and 1 optional unit to be awarded Level 7 CIPD Advanced Diploma Certification.
Top Tips to Pass CIPD Assignments
The CIPD courses do not require you to simply study the concepts and reproduce them in the assignments. However, you will be required to internalize it and deliver applicable HR or L&D solutions. Besides, you can’t afford back-and-forth classes because it will delay you and thereby cost you a fortune.
For this reason, you need to earn a high mark on your assignments. Moreover, the CIPD course levels require you to successfully complete a level before progressing on to the next.
So, here are a few top tips on how to write answers to your CIPD questions to ensure you score high marks.
Plan it Out
For beginners, be well prepared. Double-check the submission date, get the assignment brief as well as the assessment criteria. These are the core components that will ensure you effectively plan how to respond to your assignment questions.
Also, skim through relevant topic related texts, zero in the expected readings and jot down some notes as you go through them. By doing so, you can map out your initial impression of what is expected.
More importantly, plan your timelines appropriately, so that you can have adequate time to outline, research, draft and submit assignments.
Do Not Limit Yourself
You have found a good quiet place from all distractions and you want to start writing your assignment. Alas! You cannot think of any ideas. Just breathe in, you don’t have to be a perfectionist. Simply write down any and all the ideas about the assignment that comes into your mind.
As you do this, your brain will subconsciously start joining the dots. The more you write, the clearer what you wanted to write for your CIPD essay or business report will get.
This idea also applies to procrastination. It is normal that you will try to procrastinate your essay assignment, especially when you feel it is a bit difficult to write. However, once you begin, it only gets much easy to strike a flow.
Bring Out the Academic in You
Academic writing is unlike every other writing style since it is more formal. Moreover, it includes citations for other texts, research, and idea that support your arguments or views.
Even though the approach is formal, it is essential to write in good clear and grammatically-correct English. Academic papers are more formal and need critical thinking to respond to the questions asked while building upon the existing ideas.
Besides, HR professionals will often be required to write different business reports in their practice. So, this is the time to get it written. When writing your essay assignment, consider explaining the jargon that your readers may not understand.
Acronyms that are not commonly understood, should be mentioned in full the first time when used followed by the acronym in brackets – you can then use the acronym after that.
Moreover, you will require course materials and other relevant resources to help you support your views adequately. So, when looking for sources, be sure to stick to peer-reviews journals, articles and other academic materials for ideas.
Blogs and other unreferenced sources are not acceptable in academic writing. Therefore, you have to use your research skills to do wider research through several journal articles to find the right content for your assignment and personal consumption as well.
Cite as You Write
Citing and referencing is essential part of writing a winning CIPD assignment. Academic journals and articles offer validity to your essay as well as a source of new information to include in your assignment.
Good academic writing practice recommends that you in-text cite your sources in the main body and include it in a reference list.
CIPD assignment requires the use of the Harvard style of referencing. Therefore, it is essential that you get familiar with this style early enough to reduce your load in the later stages of writing your assignment.
The Final Polish
To conclude your writing your assignment, make sure you are sticking to the required word count for your assignment. Once you are satisfied with what you have written, let it rest for a few hours.
Go through it again after a good rest so that you can look at it with a fresh and clear perspective. This is the time to do a spell check, grammatical correctness and review if you cited the sources as required and your formatting is on point.
Finally, you can ask one of your trusted friends or coursemate to go over it and assess its readability. If they give it a green light, you can then submit it.
What is included in the word count policy for CIPD?
The use of titles and headers will be included in the word count, however, appendices, graphs, tables, and diagrams within the work is permissible and will not be included in the word count.
What is 10% leeway of 1500 words?
Minus 150 will equal to 1350 Words on the lower end. 1500 is 150 words, which would bring the total to 1650 words on the higher
How many words under word count is acceptable?
No more than 10% above or below 10% of the word limit is acceptable for written assignments (e.g. an essay of 3900 words must be no less than 3510 and no more than 4290).
Is there a penalty for under word count?
Assessments are designed to enable students to achieve excellent marks without writing below or Overt the limit. There is consequently no specific penalty for work that is under-length or Over but the Tutor will not Mark the assessment unless it is adjusted.