7CO02 People management and development strategies for performance
Introduction to the unit
People management and development strategies for performance is a unit that explains why learners should understand the core purposes in champion for better working lives. The organisational and professional’s core purposes are derived from the principles-led, evidence-based and outcome-driven forces that support positive changes in the workplace. These aspects develop string identities that enhance the development of values that contribute to improved business performance. In addition, the forces develop positive employee experiences that support influential people management at work. Learners pursuing this course should understand the role of people professionals in developing strategies that enhance organisational goals and objectives.
Learning outcomes
Learners should understand the following learning concepts related to the unit:
- The alignment of people practices to organisational strategy and culture.
- People practices development to improving organisational performance.
- People management practices and their linkages to development at work.
- People professionals’ roles in organisational settings.
Learning outcome 1
People practices objectives
Learners should understand the people practices objectives, including creating value for all organisational stakeholders to engage them in supporting improved business performance. In addition, the learners understand the workforce planning strategy to enhance attraction and selection of skilled employees involved in completing organisational work and support improved workplace performance. Other objectives relate to performance management at work, change management and development to improving employee well-being. To successfully identify and implement the people practices objectives at work, learners should learn how to integrate the goals and develop policies into organisational strategies. This means that they should learn of the vertical integration at work to enhance effective management of the people practices and effective management and mitigation of associated risks.
People practices are integrated into organisational brands and culture through the development and integration of policies aligned to the organisational strategies. The learners in this learning outcome should realise how to identify gaps and risks that may limit the implementation of policies that improve performance at work. The people professionals have the role of creating positive relationships with all organisational stakeholders to create a respected brand and positive reputation in the market. This is relevant in creating an organisational culture that values performance and whose contribution significantly impacts the organisation.
Systematic thinking and people practices at work
The learners gain insight into how systems in organisations support improved work performance. People professionals use strategic and systematic thinking to develop their capabilities to managing people practices at work. The learners understand how to consider the holistic approach to connecting people professionals to practices that support improved work performance. Through this, people professionals learn how to manage people holistically and, in the process, improve employee well-being.
Learning outcome 2
People practices models
Learners must understand the models supporting people practices and how the models are linked to improved organisational performance. The models discussed in this unit include the low-cost approach, the hard and soft HR model, and the high commitment, high-performance models. All these models are used differently, and the learners should learn how to apply them to enhance performance improvement.
Additionally, learners should be aware of the following positive benefits that the employers receive after the organisations record improved performances at work. Among these benefits are the organisational financial gains, increased levels of customer satisfaction, reduced absenteeism and turnover rate, and improved employee well-being. In addition, the employees in high performing organisations are more committed to the organisation and their colleagues. The various models relevant in explaining these include the AMO (Abilities, motivation and Opportunities) model, the Harvard model and the Warwick 5Ps model. Learners also learn how to analyse the models and apply them in supporting organisational best practices to people management practices. This is achieved by considering the contingency and resource-based approaches that maximise the people and organisational capabilities to support improved work performance.
Learning outcome 3
People management responsibilities
The unit provides insight on the areas that people professionals should take responsibility in managing people at work. These areas include employee recruitment, selection and retention, employee development through the L&D programmes and employee relations. Other areas related to understanding the role of people professionals are motivating and engaging professionals to guide them to achieve the organisational targets and thus record improved performances at work. There should also be a concern to promote effective administration at work.
Current developments in resourcing and performance management
Before completing this unit, learners should understand the development in recruitment and selection activities. They should also understand the current changes in workforce planning and strategies to retaining talent. The learners should consider the Covid-19 effects on these HR practices and the activities the professionals engage in to complete the HR functions and practice. The developments in managing rewards and performance are also identified to make the employees feel satisfied and committed to work.
Current developments in L&D and organisation design
Among the issues that learners discuss in this section are the theories and developments in the learning and development area of the HR function, the developments supporting the organisational design and development. To understand these, learners should understand the different types of organisational structures and systems and the different activities carried out in those organisations.
Current development in employee relations
Employee relations relate to the different connections and interactions that employers have with the employees. Therefore, learners should be aware of the developments in this specialised knowledge area in HR. these relate to the development of the procedures and processes followed to improve employee relations. In addition, the learners understand the changes in work structures, including the development of the gig economy and the increase in the number of employees seeking informal work structures. Other developments that learners should relate to are associated with diversity and inclusion. Learners, in this case, evaluate issues related to employee inequalities, access to work for all, gender pay gap and reporting of the same and unconscious biases at work.
Learning outcome 4
Organising people practices activities in different organisational settings
The learners should differentiate between people practices activities in private and public corporations, differences in Small and medium enterprises and voluntary firms. The learners should also consider the activities in the international organisations. All these are fundamental in explaining the organisational structures and functionality of people practices in those organisations. The learners get insight to understand how the activities are delivered with the help of leaders and managers and the support from outsourced personnel.
Professionalism in people practices
CIPD provides an environment where professionals can interact and share knowledge and information on their professions. CIPD is a community of professionals who can network and support each other to enhance the delivery of people practices to support improved organisational performance. With the reports and discussions in the platform, professionals debate and come up with updated information to make the professionals access the recent changes on the different people practices activities.
Other professional roles and influences include:
- Partnerships between organisations and customers focus on developing insights relevant to managing current and future customers’ needs. This enhances the development of policies that are aligned to organisational goals and customer expectations.
- Professionals role in coaching and mentoring other practitioners
- Professionals’ use of data analytics to manage organisational problems. Professionals should use available technology and take advantage of the digital platform to complete their assigned roles.
- Professionals have the role of ethically managing organisational, people challenges and make sure that they comply with the legal and organisational policies.
Winding up:
The unit has much information on people practices that promote improved organisational performance. After completing the unit, the learners will be able to analyse and integrate people practices activities to create an environment where leaders and managers record improved performance.
Collings, D.G., Wood, GT and Szamosi, L.T. (eds) (2019) Human resource management: a critical approach. 2nd ed. Abingdon: Routledge
D’Souza, D. (2020) Change management, available from https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/change/management-factsheet
Gifford, J. and Young, J. (2021) Employee engagement and motivation, available from https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/relations/engagement/factsheet
Maxwell, G. (2021) Employee turnover and retention, available from https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/resourcing/turnover-retention-factsheet
Peters, R. (2020) employer brand, available from https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/people/recruitment/brand-factsheet
Suff, R. (2021) Well-being at work, available from https://www.cipd.asia/knowledge/factsheets/wellbeing
Taylor, S. (2018) Resourcing and talent management. 7th ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Weeks, A. (2020) Workforce Planning, available from https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/organisational-development/workforce-planning-factsheet