3LCM Supporting Individual Learning Through Coaching and Mentoring
CIPD level 3 is a qualification geared towards supporting you in your HR career as it provides you with a foundation of building an introduction to the knowledge and capabilities that are needed in the profession. Concepts of coaching and mentoring are...
3ELD Evaluating Learning and Development Activities
Evaluating Learning and Development Activities Learning and development is an essential aspect of every organization as it helps to impart technical skills to identify the learning needs among the employees, design and deliver the L &D activities, and ultimately evaluate...
3DEL Delivering Learning and Development Activities
Delivering Learning and Development Activities Learning and Development are about improving one’s competence, skills, and knowledge of an employee. On this note, as a person expected to practice in this field, you need to get skills that will prepare you...
3DES Designing Learning and Development Activities
Description of the Designing Learning and Development Activities Module The unit on designing learning and development activities is for the learners who want to develop their knowledge and skills in the learning activities. The L&D practitioners work to design the...
3LDN Identifying Learning and Development Needs
Identifying Learning and Development Needs Description of the LDN guide Identifying Learning and Development needs is a very important aspect especially because of the changing working environment. This is the reason why CIPD sought to include the unit in...
3CJA Contributing to the Process of Job Analysis
Description of the Job analysis guide Job analysis is a process taken by the HR practitioners in identifying the duties, roles and responsibilities of an employee taking a certain position in the organisation. The students taking this module have to understand that...
3PRM Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management
Description of the 3PRM Module The performance and reward management unit focuses on identifying the role of HR in supporting activities that promote good practice in the identified aspects of HR function. The HR has the responsibility to ensure that they develop...
3MER Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employment Relations
Description of the MER guide MER is a module in CIPD that helps learners to understand how to effectively manage employee relations, and establish positive relationships between the employers and the employees. As experts in the HR field, the learners pursue this...
3RTO Resourcing Talent
Description of the Resourcing Talent unit The 3RTO unit is one of the most interesting units in the CIPD programme because it helps the management create a mix of the skills needed to carry out organisational roles. The unit is the source...
3RAI Recording, Analysing and Using Human Resources Information
Unit Overview This unit improves the student ‘s comprehension of the significant contribution that accurate information, whether manually or electronically processed, may bring to the roles of human resources (HR) or learning and development (L&D). The unit is structured to cover all...