1.1. Describe different L&D roles and titles.
Indicative Content
Overview of CIPD Profession Map and L&D Professional Area and/or any other relevant frameworks
Overview of L&D Roles and titles: e.g. trainer, tutor, L&D consultant, training adviser, L&D business partner, training officer, L&D/training manager, OD roles, assessor, L&D roles external to the organisation, coach, mentor; differences and similarities.
- Explain a range of L & D roles (minimum of 3)
- Add your job description as a piece of evidence
1.2. Explain the technical knowledge and skills required of L&D practitioners.
Indicative Content
Overview of technical knowledge and skills required: e.g. the organisational context of L&D; the training cycle – how to identify needs, how to design effective learning, delivery skills, how to evaluate L&D; how to assess learning; understanding learners and their motivations; coaching and mentoring skills; skills relating to technology enabled learning.
- Explain the key technical knowledge and skills requirements for L & D specialists. Do these reflect the learning cycle? Which do you use in your role?
1.3. Explain the importance of effective communication skills for L&D practitioners.
Indicative Content
Communication skills: principles of effective communication; communication methods and when/how to use them; communications styles; audiences for /recipients of L&D communications.
- What is important to consider when communicating effectively as an L&D practitioner?
- Give an example of understanding others needs and one of transmitting information.
1.4. Explain work-management and collaborative-working behaviours and why these are important for L&D practitioners.
Indicative Content
Work-management behaviours: Basic self-management and organisation techniques: e.g. clarifying work requirements; planning and organising work; setting and managing priorities; monitoring progress; honouring commitments and meeting deadlines; completing work projects; showing enthusiasm; seeking and acting on feedback.
Collaborative working behaviours: ‘Working with others’ skills, e.g. taking time to understand and value others; relationship building techniques; team work and effective teams; using appropriate and frequent communication to build and maintain relationships; handling disagreements and interpersonal problem solving techniques
Referring to the CIPD profession map behaviours:
Describe 2 work management behaviours that would be expected of an L&D professional. Why are they important?
Give an example.
Describe 3 collaborative working behaviours that would be expected of an L&D professional. Why are they important?
Give an example.
1.5. Explain the concept and importance of CPD for L&D practitioners.
Indicative Content
Concept of CPD: philosophy of continuous professional development and updating, CPD models and theory; taking personal responsibility for learning, development and performance; the concept of reflective practice; CIPD and other sector and professional requirements for CPD.
Explain what CPD is, why it is important to L&D practitioners and their organisation.
Learning Outcome 2: Be able to devise a plan to meet own learning and development needs.
Assessment Criteria
2.1 Undertake a self-assessment against the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required of L&D practitioners and identify own L&D needs.
Indicative Content
Self-assessment: ways of matching perceptions and evidence of own knowledge and/or
performance against pre-identified requirements; how to use self-assessment facilities
e.g. you can use the CIPD’s ‘My CPD Map’ facility; how to find balance and avoid bias in self-assessment.
Send in screenshots of your development areas as evidence.
2.2 Select and justify L&D activities to meet own identified needs and devise a plan for putting these into practice.
Indicative Content
Overview of L&D activities in relation to meeting own needs (NB: range of L&D activities
covered in full detail in later units) e.g. formal courses, self-directed learning, coaching,
mentoring, work shadowing, skills practise, on-job learning.
Personal/Professional Development Plans: different formats and examples.
- Justify the development options chosen to meet the needs identified in LO2.1
- Ensure that your selected options are realistic and justified and put them into your development plan which should be submitted. The plan must be for a minimum of 6 months. The plan should include your specific development objectives, the activities you have selected to address your objectives and your reasons for selecting these particular activities.
- Your development objectives should include separate objectives for achieving each of your qualification units.
It is recommended that learners use the CIPD CPD template found at:
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to implement and review own learning and development plan.
Assessment Criteria
3.1 Implement own development plan, recording outcomes of, and own reflections on selected activities
Indicative Content
The concept of the reflective learner: reasons for, and models of, learner reflection; how to reflect on learning; how to record outcomes and reflections.
Provide a written reflection of your performance and learning against:
– Your original CPD plan – what progress did you make against the objectives that you established for yourself? What have you learnt?
– What do you still need to learn? Update your CPD plan with these new development needs and include dates for their intended completion. This should span for at least the next 6 months.
– Complete and provide your 3BEP reflections template at the end of the programme to describe what you have learnt for each of your units. How did it inform your CPD plan?